Kubernetes Native Phoenix Apps: Part 3
16/Nov 2018
Now that we’ve established a viable workflow for building and running our application in Docker containers, it’s time to take our first pass at running those containers on Kubernetes!
2019-10-31: Please note that due to multiple personal factors, this blog series has been discontinued without being completed. You can visit this post for a slightly longer note about this.
Published articles in this series:
- Introduction
- Part 1
- Part 2
- Part 3 (this post)
- Discontinuation
To test our application in a Kubernetes environment, we have two available routes: we can publish our Docker images to a public or private Docker registry, and then deploy those images to a “real” cluster, or we can use Minikube and build our images directly on the Minikube VM. For illustrative purposes, let’s start with the latter approach first.
As a reminder of what I wrote in the Introduction post, we will be glossing over a lot of Kubernetes/Elixir/Phoenix fundamentals in this series and trying to refer to existing documentation as often as possible. The purpose of this series is more oriented around synthesizing a working solution from disparate learnings. If you have unanswered questions, please feel free to leave a comment and I’ll try to direct you to the right learning resources.
Building Docker images for Minikube
I’m using a mildly customized Minikube configuration that more closely matches my long-term target environment, which is Google Container Engine. However, one of the powerful benefits of targeting Kubernetes as a platform is that the the content below is, for most purposes, compatible across many different cloud providers as long as you’re running a conformant cluster.
To build Docker images for Minikube specifically, we can directly re-use the Docker daemon that is installed as part of the Minikube virtual machine. This method can be very expedient, but is not compatible with a “real” cluster, so we will need another path forward later on in the series.
First, we use eval
to set some environment variables that tell the local
CLI, perhaps the one included with Docker For Mac, how to talk to
the VM’s Docker daemon. You don’t need the actual Docker for Mac
application running to use this technique, but you do need to have it
installed. If you’re using my specific Minikube config, you’ll also want to
install the Hyperkit driver as documented by the Minikube project.
After using the eval
command, most if not all standard Docker CLI
subcommands should work correctly, so you can use ps
to inspect running
containers (and get a glimpse of the inner structure of a Pod), or images
to inspect locally available Docker images. You can obtain extra images
with pull
or build
, and so on. In our case, we’re going to use build
to construct our local image for our application, which will then be
available to the Kubernetes scheduler for use with Pods later on.
eval $(minikube docker-env)
docker build -t kube-native:latest .
At the time of writing, we can’t use docker-compose
directly with Minikube
due to version incompatibilities, but we could ostensibly use docker run
with some extra arguments to match the container definition from our
file. However, this knowledge doesn’t transfer
especially well into Kubernetes usage, and won’t integrate at all with the
networking abstractions provided by Service objects, so I will leave that
step as an optional exercise for the reader.
A taste of Helm
In order to successfully deploy our application, we need access to a PostgreSQL database. There are a lot of avenues available to us, including managed offerings like Amazon RDS or Google Cloud SQL. Those services are definitely where I would direct most people for production purposes. Running your own highly-available database is challenging, isn’t particularly differentiating for most businesses, and isn’t within most organization’s core competencies. Doing so within a containerized environment is still more challenging, and usually isn’t recommended.
Later on in this series, we’ll touch on the topic of “controllers” and “operators” for Kubernetes, which can distill and embody human expertise to make managing containerized software more successful. Among those available tools are a few options for managing containerized databases. We likely won’t tackle that specific example directly, but we will definitely leverage a few of the other operators.
For our purposes, all we specifically care about at the moment are that there is a database available for our use, and that our running Pods can connect to it. Since we’re not being picky about the other details, let’s go ahead and run a database on our Kubernetes cluster anyway.
We could synthesize the necessary Kubernetes YAML to do so on our own, but we’re about to do that for our in-house application in another section of this post, so let’s use the “off-the-shelf” approach made possible by the community tool Helm. The Helm user community contributes a fairly robust body of packages for use with Helm, called Charts, which are available on GitHub. Later on in the series, we’ll be authoring our own Chart for our application.
Helm Glossary
- Tiller
- server-side component of the Helm suite, which runs on-cluster and interacts with the Kubernetes API on our behalf
- Helm
- CLI component of the Helm suite, which communicates with Tiller via gRPC
- Chart
- a package of templatized Kubernetes YAML which can be managed via Helm/Tiller to provide functionality to your cluster, or to your customers
- Repository
- Collection of Helm charts made available directly for use via the Helm CLI
- Release
- an instantiated/deployed copy of a Chart, which represents a collection of Kubernetes resources and can be managed in an ongoing fashion with the Helm CLI for upgrades, rollbacks, and deletion
Installing Tiller
Helm needs a server-side component named Tiller, and there’s a lot of reading to be done about how to manage this component safely and securely for production use, and the practices there will likely change drastically when Helm v3 releases in the next year or two. This example configuration does not include TLS support and uses cluster-wide administrative privileges, so it is not particularly reflective of good production practices.
For more information, see the Helm documentation around RBAC, TLS, and general security models. Angus Lees of Bitnami also wrote a really nice piece about hardening Helm.
We need a ServiceAccount for Tiller to use in its API calls, and that ServiceAccount needs to have administrative privileges on the cluster. We also don’t want to keep an unbounded amount of history around for Helm releases, so we cap that at 10 historical versions per Release.
kubectl -n kube-system create sa tiller
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller \
--clusterrole cluster-admin \
helm init --history-max 10 \
--service-account tiller \
--skip-refresh --upgrade --wait
Installing PostgreSQL
Public repositories of Helm Charts can be managed through the helm repo
subcommands, and we need to make sure that the “stable” repository, which
matches the content of the helm/charts
GitHub repository, are available
for use.
helm repo add stable https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com
Then, we’re going to look at what configuration options, or Values, are included with the Chart we want to use. Much like other content in the Kubernetes ecosystem, these are always rendered and authored using the YAML format. Many Charts have fairly descriptive names and even documentation comments on their Values files, but you ultimately may need to visit the Chart’s README or even peruse the source of the Chart to determine exactly what tunable variables are available and what values are acceptable to use.
helm inspect values stable/postgresql --version 0.19.0
Finally, after identifying the immediately-relevant settings from the
Values data, we’re going to tweak some of those Values as part of the
helm install
command that is used to deploy the PostgreSQL container.
The first pass uses the flags --debug
and --dry-run
to emit the
generated YAML to STDOUT for inspection, then the command is repeated
without those flags in order to actually enact the changes. A --wait
flag is included in order to block the completion of the command until
those new resources are fully ready. Later on we’ll see how a tool called
can expedite this inspect-and-approve workflow.
helm install stable/postgresql \
--name kube-native-postgresql \
--namespace kube-native \
--set-string imageTag=10.5-alpine \
--set-string postgresUser=kube_native \
--set-string postgresDatabase=kube_native \
--set-string postgresPassword=kube_native \
--version 0.19 \
--debug --dry-run
helm install stable/postgresql \
--name kube-native-postgresql \
--namespace kube-native \
--set-string imageTag=10.5-alpine \
--set-string postgresUser=kube_native \
--set-string postgresDatabase=kube_native \
--set-string postgresPassword=kube_native \
--version 0.19 \
You’ll notice that I’m choosing a particular, and rather outdated,
version of the Chart in the commands above. That’s because in the pre-1.0
series of this chart, its functionality was based directly on the
official postgres
Docker image from Docker Hub. Later iterations of the
chart, particularly the 1.x and 2.x series, made drastic changes to both
the Values schema and to the base image, which was moved to a
Bitnami-managed image.
In my recent experiences, these newer Chart versions and the Bitnami image were both somewhat brittle and proved to be fast-moving targets, while the 0.x series of the Chart and the official Hub image have proved satisfactory for several months. I opted for a lower maintenance burden for the purposes of this series.
Note that release names and namespaces both cannot contain underscores, only hyphens.
If we want to perform a quick sanity check of our new database, we can
use kubectl port-forward
to connect to it directly with the
preconfigured credentials.
# straight from the Helm chart's install notes
# helm status kube-native-postgresql
export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace kube-native -l "app=postgresql,release=kube-native-postgresql" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")
kubectl port-forward --namespace kube-native $POD_NAME 15432:5432
# new shell session
psql postgres -U kube_native -p 15432 -h localhost
Describing our application on Kubernetes’ terms
Now that we have a viable database to work with, let’s set about actually running our application using standard Kubernetes primitives and unadorned YAML. We’ll introduce some more refined workflows and tools later in the series.
First up is creating a home for our non-sensitive configuration details that are supplied via environment variables. We set the stage for the Elixir side of this 12-factor-ish configuration style back in Part 2.
These values are intentionally very similar to what we included in
the docker-compose.yml
’s environment
block for the application
Farther down in the Deployment manifest, you’ll see that each entry within
appears within the container as an environment variable with the
same name and the associated value, via envFrom
. As all environment
variables in the Deployment manifest must be strings, we have to quote any
ambiguous values that could be inferred as another value type.
We instantiate this ConfigMap with kubectl apply
kubectl apply -n kube-native -f configmap.yaml
We also already have a few pieces of sensitive information that need to be
supplied as environment variables as well, and for that we’ll use a
Kubernetes Secret. It’s worthwhile to remind readers that Secrets are not
without flaws, and chief among them is that their YAML representation
isn’t truly encrypted, merely a base64 encoding of their contents.
Permissions for accessing a Secret are essentially only constrained by
your cluster’s RBAC rules, and anyone with a cluster-admin
Role can
essentially read any Secret they like. It also takes a fair amoung of
extra effort to ensure that both your etcd
data and Secrets data within
etcd are encrypted at rest, and some platforms intentionally don’t even
allow you to interact with etcd directly.
A step up from Kubernetes Secrets, which potentially entails quite a bit more infrastructure and cognitive/technical burden, would be to use something like Vault that provides more robust secrets management. There are open-source tools available for managing a Vault cluster on top of Kubernetes, including an Operator that configures Vault to use etcd for its internal storage instead of Consul.
In the sample below, each entry within data
represents an environment
variable, while its value is a base64-encoded form of the raw string like
we used with docker-compose.yml
. In each case, it’s generally important
to ensure that no wayward newlines wind up as part of the encoded value,
because tools like Ecto won’t appreciate trying to parse that. As with the
ConfigMap above, these correspond with keys we provided in the
’s environment
Among other techniques, you can encode a value for use in a Secret by
using echo -n
and piping it to base64
, and you can decode it by piping
the encoded string to base64 -D
instead. Note that these commands are
very likely to be persisted into your local shell history. Anyone with
access to your shell and a bit of knowledge could read them back out.
Right now that doesn’t matter because they’d only be able to compromise
our Minikube environment, but this is still a drawback to be aware of.
Check the appendix for some references around preventing this information
from entering your shell history. Several text editors, Emacs in
particular, have direct support for base64 encoding and decoding strings
The first substantial change from our docker-compose.yml
content is to
make sure that we’re referring to the new PostgreSQL Service we
provisioned via Helm above, by using its DNS hostname.
The default domain suffix on every Kubernetes cluster is
, so referring to any Service via DNS takes the
following form:
For our PostgreSQL service, that gives us:
You can verify that you have the right Service name with:
kubectl get svc -n kube-native
Among the output of the above is the service’s ClusterIP, which should
directly match how the DNS name resolves inside your container, unless
you’ve customized a Pod’s dnsConfig
or dnsPolicy
via its spec
Once again, we install this Secret with kubectl apply
kubectl apply -n kube-native -f secret.yaml
There are also several variations of kubectl create secret
that would
allow you to supply raw values and it will base64-encode them for you, but
this is less conducive to iterative updates. I find that approach the most
helpful when dealing with pre-existing TLS certificates and keys, as we’ll
see later in the series.
Now that the necessary configuration data has been written, we need to
define the actual behavior of the running container. This is noticeably
more verbose than a comparable docker-compose.yml
service, but every
piece has its purpose, and much of it represents functionality that
Docker Compose does not provide.
The complete file:
We’ll work our way through the highlights of this content, little by
little. Much of the prose description will describe fields using a
dot-separated notation, such as spec.template.metadata
, which matches
the syntax you can use with the incredibly handy kubectl explain
command to see more detail about that portion of the manifest schema.
Please forgive the lack of proper indentation on each smaller snippet - I don’t appear to have enough control with Hugo to force indentation without introducing extra content that wasn’t really there in the complete example.
This first section of the spec
describes “meta” behavior around the
Deployment and how it manages its underlying ReplicaSets. Specifically, it
caps the historical limit to 10 unique iterations, and asserts that
rolling updates must be performed in an additive way. Rather than taking
down old Pods and replacing them with new ones, in that order, it instead
will launch new Pods running any updated image or behavior, wait for them
to validate as healthy, and then remove an equivalent number of old
Pods. As written, it allows up to 10% of your stable target capacity to be
duplicated with newer Pods during the upgrade process, and when a
successful deploy is complete, you should be back at your target number of
For spec.selector
, make sure that you have just enough labels to
uniquely identify your workload compared to any of its siblings from the
same Kubernetes namespace, without being too precise. In particular, omit
any labels that you might change with each iterative deployment of your
application, such as a version number. If you include such details, you
are running the risk of creating “orphaned” ReplicaSets that don’t get
properly reaped or managed by the Deployment object.
The spec.template.metadata.labels
should be either an exact match or
superset of the spec.selector.matchLabels
above. It’s fine to include
additional labels as well. Some sorts of information belong in
instead. One useful heuristic is the following question: Do
I need to query and filter my Pods by this property? If the answer is
yes, the information probably belongs in a label, if no, it probably
belongs in an annotation.
Note that just about any property within the spec.template
that gets
changed will trigger a rollout of new Pods, so be mindful of what
information you include. Volatile details like a CI/CD build number may
cause unnecessary churn of your running Pods when their configuration has
not changed in other, more semantically meaningful ways.
and .imagePullPolicy
are how we
dictate which image should be running within the Pod. I’ve included a
traditionally-reviled practice in this snippet, which is using the
tag on my Docker image. There are almost no circumstances where
you actually want to use this latest
tag for serious work, however
expedient it may be. A more sustainable approach is to tag your images
semantically - perhaps with version numbers for your project, a time or
date stamp, a git SHA, or even some combination of the proceeding
identifiers. This lets you reason very specifically about what iteration
of your application is currently running or meant to be running, without
using information that you can only obtain after building the image, such
as its built-in SHA256 digest.
Because we’re using a Minikube-based environment in this phase, I’ve also
set the imagePullPolicy
to a value of Never
, because there’s nowhere
for the VM to obtain this image if it’s not already built locally. In a
live cluster with a remote Docker image registry, we’d generally use one
of IfNotPresent
, if we’re treating image tags as immutable, or Always
if we treat some or all image tags as mutable.
Within spec.template.spec.containers.env
we’re using the Downward API to
expose the Pod’s own IP address as an environment variable, which will be
consumed by our Distillery-managed configuration to set the BEAM node name.
We’re also using .envFrom
to source environment variables directly from
our ConfigMap and Secret above.
In order to actually serve traffic from our Pod, we need to expose our HTTP
listener port 4000
to the private network. We give each port a name
that we can refer to it later in the Service declaration, without needing
to remember to update both places if and when a port number changes. Port
names have to be viable for use with DNS notation, so there are some
restrictions on what non-alphanumeric characters can be included.
Notice that we’re not making any mention of any of the ports that are necessary for Distributed Erlang, EPMD, etc. This is intentional! We’ll see later in the series that clustering and distribution don’t need those ports to be formally exposed, because we have a fully routable private network space to communicate within. This is somewhat unique compared to other platforms, such as Amazon ECS.
If you have sudden doubts about the security posture of this private networking model, you’ll want to brush up on the NetworkPolicy resource type, which requires a supported CNI driver for enforcement. Many Kubernetes providers support this out of the box or with opt-in configuration. At the time of writing, GKE uses Calico and an opt-in flag at cluster creation time, which can also be enabled for existing clusters.
One of the ways that Kubernetes can help us manage our application’s availability is by continually performing regular health-checking tasks on our behalf, and responding appropriately to indications of bad container health.
The YAML below describes two classes of Probes. Failures of a readiness probe will remove the Pod for consideration by Service network traffic, while a sufficient number of failures of a liveness probe will cause Kubernetes to restart the container. A good heuristic to follow is that readiness probes should fail in circumstances that are possible to self-heal from without restarting your application, while a liveness probe should represent a very real failure that can’t be resolved with patience or internal behavior.
Note also that these automatic restarts from liveness probes will contribue
to CrashLoopBackOff
conditions, and a poorly-tuned or misconfigured probe
may inadvertantly cause more availability problems than they solve.
Our readinessProbe
currently issues a GET request directly to the root
URL of our Phoenix application. This is a somewhat useful litmus test, but
be wary if the query footprint or other performance characteristics of that
root URL start to grow - these probes are tunable but by default those
requests happen every 10 seconds, per-Pod. If the homepage gets to be too
heavy, it’s common to create a specific Plug endpoint just for
health-checking purposes, but ideally that endpoint should perform a quick
round-trip to the database to ensure correct credentials.
The livenessProbe
uses a facility built into the Distillery-provided CLI
to ping
our BEAM process and wait for a response. If the BEAM is in a
truly bad state this will fail as intended, but under heavy workloads it
potentially can exceed the default timeout of 1 second to come back.
Finally, we can help maintain the quality-of-service within the overall
cluster by describing the resources that need to be allocated on a per-Pod
basis. The cluster’s scheduler uses this information to determine which
Pods, how many Pods, and so on that each available Node can execute without
becoming overloaded. If you provide matching values for both limits
, your pod is treated as having a guaranteed quality of service,
while any mismatch between the two allows for “bursting” behavior but a
less stringent QOS. Take a look at the Kubernetes documentation for more
These specific numbers are both arbitrary and generous for the content of the example application. The units are expressed in “millicores” for CPU, where 1000 represents one full second of one full CPU core, and mebibytes/gibibytes/etc. for memory. Ideally, you should perform empirical measurements against an un-constrained version of your application in a live cluster with meaningful traffic to determine more appropriate values for your use-case.
Later in the series we’ll discuss how to do this with a tool called
Prometheus, which is very popular to use in conjunction with Kubernetes. It
would also be a fairly reasonable starting point to base these figures on
your observed metrics from Erlang’s Observer, provided you’re running on a
similar OS with the right MIX_ENV
and representative samples of traffic.
It’s even possible to perform Pod-level autoscaling based on these metrics,
which is a very exciting opportunity and can be much more meaningful than
pure CPU/Memory utilization figures.
In practical terms it’s not really possible to exceed the supplied CPU
limits due to how they’re applied via cgroups
, but you may find the
application becomes “starved” or unable to sustain the expected throughput.
Your main options there are to allocate more CPU and/or memory per-Pod, or
perhaps more readily available, to just run more Pod replicas to distribute
the traffic evenly across a larger pool of application Pods. If you’d like
to see the specifics of how CPU shares are enforced, take a look at the
Docker documentation.
Memory is a slightly more nuanced constraint that is documented on Docker’s
site, where Kubernetes is applying the --memory
flag for you based on the
Pod’s resource allocation. One thing to note if the limit
and request
differ is that your Pod can attempt and sometimes even succeed at
allocating more memory than the request
value, and will be allowed to
continue using it for as long as it does not exceed the limit
, and for as
long as there aren’t low-memory conditions on the Node’s host OS.
We can start a running Pod on our cluster using kubectl
, and tweak its
replica count on the fly without using kubectl edit
or kubectl apply
again later, including scaling the Deployment to 0
replicas if that’s an
appropriate move.
kubectl apply -n kube-native -f deployment.yaml
kubectl scale deployment -n kube-native kube-native --replicas=3
Now that we have running containers, we want to distribute incoming
traffic across the ready replicas equally. For that we’ll create a
Service, which targets a similar selector
as the Deployment used, and
exposes a Service port that forwards traffic to the Pod port. The
exposed port on the service does not have to match the Pod’s port in
number, but every Service port must target an existing port name or number
on the Pod.
In Minikube, we must use ClusterIP or NodePort services as it doesn’t have any facilities for managing an external LoadBalancer. ClusterIP would only allow traffic from other Pods, so we’ll go with NodePort, which will expose a high-numbered port on the Minikube VM itself for external traffic.
Our trusty kubectl apply
comes to our rescue again:
kubectl apply -n kube-native -f service.yaml
Running Migrations
With our application running, we still need to perform our database migrations. There are two techniques that are readily available to us for this purpose, with different trade-offs.
You’ll recall that we created our ReleaseTasks
module and the associated
Distillery custom commands in Part 2, so now we need to trigger that
behavior in a Kubernetes Pod context instead.
Running migrations/seeds via kubectl exec
The first and simplest technique is to simply connect to a running
application Pod via kubectl exec
, and trigger our migrations via the
Distillery-provided CLI:
kubectl get pods -o wide -n kube-native
kubectl exec -it $pod_name sh
bin/kube_native_umbrella migrate
bin/kube_native_umbrella seed
This isn’t super sustainable and can be quite error-prone, and if our application fails to boot successfully without its migrations, we’d be unable to use this approach without resolving that first, which may be a chicken-and-egg problem. The next section introduces a more complex but more satisfactory approach.
Running migrations/seeds via Jobs
A preferable method to perform our migrations is to create a Job object
that executes the same Docker image as our deployment, but uses its
or seed
subcommand and doesn’t expose any ports. A sample
appears below, with highlights on the meaningfully different lines. In
most ways, this directly resembles the Deployment template above, adjusted
for the schema for a Job object and omitting the ports list and probes.
All we care about here is whether our command eventually exits 0.
Note that the Job name should be unique per-namespace, or else you’ll need to delete and recreate the resource to run another round of migrations, which is tedious if not actually problematic. We’ll see a convenient way to automate this as part of the next post in the series, covering Helm.
Once last time, we create the Job resource with kubectl apply
kubectl apply -n kube-native -f job.yaml
Browsing the live application
With our migrations applied and the Service has ready Endpoints, you can visit the application in your browser with a single command, or just echo the appropriate URL in your shell for later reference:
minikube service -n kube-native kube-native
minikube service -n kube-native kube-native --url
Code Checkpoint
The work presented in this post is reflected in git tag part-3-end
available here. You can compare these changes to the previous post here.
Thanks to early readers Eric Oestrich, Dan Lindeman, and Justin Nauman for their feedback. Any remaining flaws are my own.
Software/Tool Versions
Software | Version |
Distillery | 2.0.12 |
Docker | 18.06.1-ce |
Ecto | 3.0.1 |
Elixir | 1.7.4 |
Erlang | 21.1.1 |
Helm | 2.11.0 |
Minikube | 0.30.0 |
Phoenix | 1.4.0 |
PostgreSQL | 10.5 |
Preferred Minikube config
minikube config set bootstrapper kubeadm
minikube config set kubernetes-version v1.11.2
minikube config set cpus 4
minikube config set memory 8192
minikube config set vm-driver hyperkit
minikube config set v 4
minikube config set WantReportErrorPrompt false
Preventing Shell History
One technique to avoid this is to prefix the command with a space, which instructs appropriately-configured shells to omit the following command from persisted history.
Bash users should take a look at the documentation around history
facilities, paying close attention to environment variables such as
ZSH users similarly can look at their own documentation, such as the
Fish users like myself can be smug about this behavior being built in.